The NAOS ecobiological approach is an integrative vision of health that extends far beyond the skin, and is part of a global, temporal approach.

Today, NAOS is engaged in research into the natural history of health at the confluence of the medical sciences and the humanities (biology, medicine, dermatology, anthropology, archaeology, psychology, philosophy and art history) and is delighted to announce the first Edition of the NAOS ECOBIOLOGY AWARD.

The result of a partnership between 2 men who share the same convictions, Jean-Noël THOREL, pharmacist-biologist and founder of NAOS, and Dr Philippe CHARLIER, physician-anthropologist and former Director of Research and Education at the Musée du Quai Branly- Jacques Chirac.

This prize is intended to reward work already completed and/or published, or a project based on the integrative approach of Ecobiology.


1-Dr Emma Conlon, Health status, life and death of society around the Dead Sea (IRLANDE)

2- Dr Bernadette IRMA, The skin microbiome profiles in urban and rural populations in various indonesian geographic locations (INDONESIA)




The Jury is composed of the President of the MAAB Foundation, members of its Board of Directors and leading scientists from the NAOS Scientific Advisory Board appointed by Jean-Noël Thorel.
The organization of the Jury’s work and deliberations is determined independently by its members.
Jury deliberations are always confidential. The Jury may request the help of an expert to assist it if it considers that it does not have the necessary skills to understand and evaluate a given research project. This expert’s mission is confidential and he/she must not have any interest that could influence his/her judgement.

  • Dr Philippe CHARLIER, President of the Jury
  • Pr Alain ASTIER, de l’Académie Nationale de Pharmacie – French National Academy of Pharmacy
  • Pr Dominique GARCIA, président de l’INRAP (Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives) – President of INRAP (Preventive Archaeological Research National Institute)
  • Pr Jean-Robert PITTE, secrétaire perpétuel de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (Institut de France) – Perpetual secretary of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres Academy (Institut de France)
  • Elena ROSSONI-NOTTER, directrice du Musée Princier d’Anthropologie, Monaco – Director of the Musée Princier of Anthropology, Monaco
  • Pr Jacques ROUESSE, cancérologue, membre de l’Académie de Médecine, ancien directeur du Centre René-Huguenin – Oncologist, member of the Academy of Medecine, former director of the  René-Huguenin center
  • Elena ROSSONI-NOTTER, directrice du Musée Princier d’Anthropologie, Monaco – Director of the Musée Princier of Anthropology, Monaco
  • Dr Jacques CHEVALLIER, dermatologue, président de l’Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Lyon – Dermatologist, President of the Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Lyon.
  • Pr Geneviève HERY-ARNAUD, professeur de bactériologie, CHU de Brest – Professor of Bacteriology, Brest University Hospital
  • Pr Mirolav RADMAN, de l’Académie des sciences de l’Institut de France – Academy of Sciences of Institut de France
  • Pr Brigitte DRENO, Chef du service de Dermatologie au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Nantes – Head of Dermatology, University Hospital Center
  • Philippe  COMPAGNION, Polytechnicien, Paris – Polytechnician
  • Eric PERRIER, ingénieur spécialisé en biologie cutanée et cosmétologie, Lyon – Engineer specialized in skin biology and cosmetology
  • Dr Corinne DECHELETTE, Pharmacienne, Docteur es sciences, licenciée en philosophie, auteure, Toulouse 6 PharmD., Ph.D., graduate in philosophy, author


NAOS, in partnership with the Association « Les Sciences au service de l’Histoire » (MAAB Project / Museum of Anthropology, Archaeology and Biology), chaired by Dr Philippe CHARLIER, is organizing the NAOS International ECOBIOLOGY Prize to reward a research project on the NATURAL HISTORY OF HEALTH at the confluence of the medical sciences and the humanities (biology, medicine, dermatology, anthropology, archaeology, psychology, philosophy and art history) based on the integrative approach of Ecobiology*.

The prize consists of an award of 5,000 Euros.

It is open primarily to national and international researchers and teams attached to a university hospital or university structure.

The prize will be awarded by an interdisciplinary scientific board drawn from the Association « Les Sciences au service de l’Histoire » ‘s Board of Directors and scientific personalities appointed by Jean-Noël THOREL, pharmacist and biologist, NAOS founder.

The award is presented at an official ceremony in November 2024, which the winner is required to attend.

* Ecobiology: More than just a word, a philosophy emerging from skincare. L. McEwen, C. Déchelette, S. Fauverghe, Ethics, Medicine and Public Health 31 (2023) 100954.

* NAOS Ecobiology White Paper (available on request)
* Ecobiology, a unique, forward-looking philosophical approach to skin care. C. Déchelette, L. McEwen, AM. Granet, Revue Hegel,1, 2024.
• the candidate’s curriculum vitae
• a project summary of no more than 15,000 characters (including spaces)
• if necessary, additional documents.
Applications must be sent by e-mail in a single file (PDF format) to :







If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Philippe CHARLIER at

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